The Canadian Red Cross Society is part of the largest humanitarian network in the world.

In Nova Scotia, the society's health equipment loan program distributes over 16,000 pieces of equipment each year. All of that equipment requires a lot of maintenance, which is why you’ll find Ralph Ricketts helping to maintain it five days a week.

Ralph has been volunteering with the Canadian Red Cross health equipment loan program for five years.

“He helps with cleaning and disinfecting and maintaining our health equipment for our clients in the community,” says Amy Richard, a Canadian Red Cross occupational therapist.

Those who work alongside Ralph say his reliability stands out.

“He comes in five days a week, Monday to Friday, rain, snow, sleet, anything, he's here,” says Jason Martin, Canadian Red Cross supervisor of specialized equipment.

Even the recent province wide gas shortage couldn't keep Ralph away.

“He didn't think he had enough gas to get in so he went to three gas stations near his place and none of them had any gas. So, instead of calling it a day, he went home and took the gas from his lawnmower and put it in his car so that he could still drive in to work that day,” says Amy.

Ralph doesn't consider himself particularly dedicated; he says he’s just doing something he enjoys.

“I spent a lot of years in the hospital and helping people, it's rewarding and that's it,” says Ralph.

Despite his humble attitude, staff at the Red Cross say Ralph's dedication puts him in a league of his own.

“The Red Cross has been doing the health equipment loan program since World War II and he's certainly one of the most dedicated volunteers that we've had,” says Ismael Aquino, Canadian Red Cross Nova Scotia provincial director.

Congratulations to Ralph Ricketts, our Maritimer of the Week!


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Maritimer of the Week

P.O. Box 1653

Halifax, N.S.

B3J 2Z4