For nearly two decades, Richie and Donna Mann have been raising money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

The couple founded the annual Richie Mann Invitational Golf Tournament 19 years ago, pairing their love of golf with a cause close to their hearts.

“There's always a serious side to the tournament, we let people know why they're there and what their money is doing, but then we've always focused and concentrated on let's have fun and people will want to come back,” says Richie.

The couple was inspired to start the fundraiser after one of Richie's employees developed breast cancer.

“It's a chance for us to show the survivors, like my sister Nancy, and like Emmie Luther-Hiltz, who is always there, a chance to show them that they have our support,” says Donna.

The tournament is held at the Dundee Resort and Golf Club in Cape Breton and, over the years, it has grown into one of the largest fundraisers of its kind in Canada. Each year over 60 teams participate.

“This past year, in August, he exceeded the $1 million mark raised for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, so it's pretty incredible,” says Jane Parsons, the executive director of CBCF Atlantic.

In addition to the money rasied for the CBCF, the Richie Mann Invitational has also raised tens of thousands of dollars for other cancer related causes, including the Cape Breton Cancer Centre.

The funds raised by the Mann’s are put to good use, but it's their support that inspires the foundation.

“Richie and Donna are the epitome of what a community group or a community individual is, how they take a cause and embrace it to make a difference,” says Jane.

“They are the most humble, unassuming people you will ever meet, but they have the biggest hearts of anybody I know.”

In recognition of the couple’s contributions to the breast cancer cause, the society has named an award in their honour.

“I look at their family and us on a smaller scale obviously, and maybe we'll take a couple of hints from them on how we can up our funds a little bit,” says Bev Hubley, a Richie and Donna Mann Award recipient.

Congratulations Richie and Donna Mann, our Maritimers of the Week!



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