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2 deer tranquilized in downtown Halifax Thursday night


Halifax pedestrians got an unexpected sight Thursday night when they spotted a deer in the downtown area.

The confused animal showed up at the convention centre and threw itself against the glass several times before making its way into the Economy Shoe Shop, an iconic local bar.

“We had the doors open to the basement because we were about to do a comedy show. While those doors were open it panicked, it ran down into the basement,” said waitress Robyn Morrow.

“(I) just saw a deer go flying by the door. It kind of shocked us,” said bar patron Chip Anstey. “I think the people I’m with thought I had way too many tequilas!”

Officers from the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) arrived on the scene around 9 p.m. and tranquilized a deer in the basement of the Shoe Shop before removing it from the bar.

DNRR says they also learned there was a deer inside the fenced area around Province House around the same time.

"The staff were able to tranquilize both deer and safely relocate them to a more suitable location, where they were set free," wrote DNRR communications advisor Erin Lynch in an email to CTV Atlantic.

"We are thankful to our staff who worked on this situation until 2am to ensure a happy ending."

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