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N.B. reports 108th COVID-19 related death, 51 new cases Sunday


New Brunswick is reporting another COVID-19 related death on Sunday, bringing the total number of deaths related to the virus to 108.

The latest death involves a person in their 80s in the Moncton region (Zone 1).

“Today we learned that another person has died because of the virus,” said Premier Blaine Higgs in a news release. “This sad news reminds us not only why restrictions are in place. Following the rules and getting vaccinated is how we will keep our province safe.”

“The loss of one more New Brunswicker to COVID-19 is not news any of us wants to hear,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “This fourth wave has been hard for our province, but by working together we will get through this.”

The province has now reported 36 COVID-19 related deaths since Friday, Oct. 8.


Health officials in New Brunswick are also reporting 51 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, along with 112 recoveries, as the total number of active cases in the province drops to 627.

According to health officials, 25 of Sunday's 51 new cases, or 49 per cent, are unvaccinated. Ten cases, or 20 per cent, are partially vaccinated, and 16 cases, or 31 per cent, are fully vaccinated.

The province says there are currently 41 people in hospital in New Brunswick due to COVID-19, with 11 in an intensive care unit. Of those currently in hospital, 23 are unvaccinated, two are partially vaccinated, and 16 are fully vaccinated.

Of the 11 people in the ICU, none are fully vaccinated, 10 are unvaccinated, and one is partially vaccinated.

"New Brunswick is having what is kind of, its own, but in some ways Atlantic Canada's first province-wide outbreak," says epidemiologist Kevin Wilson. "We've been dealing with for the whole track run of the pandemic, kind of very localized outbreaks or very localized epidemics where it's just one city." 

New Brunswick has had 6,163 cumulative cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.

In total, 5,427 people have recovered and 108 people have died in the province from COVID-19.

Public health says a total of 517,360 COVID-19 tests have been processed since the start of the pandemic.

The number of cases are broken down by New Brunswick’s seven health zones:

  • Zone 1 – Moncton region: 1,785 confirmed cases (251 active cases)
  • Zone 2 – Saint John region: 594 confirmed cases (67 active cases)
  • Zone 3 – Fredericton region: 1,272 confirmed cases (92 active cases)
  • Zone 4 – Edmundston region: 1,407 confirmed cases (91 active case)
  • Zone 5 – Campbellton region: 662 confirmed cases (101 active cases)
  • Zone 6 – Bathurst region: 287 confirmed cases (12 active cases)
  • Zone 7 – Miramichi region: 156 confirmed cases (13 active cases)

Fourteen new cases were reported in the Moncton region (Zone 1) involving:

  • eight people age 19 and under
  • four people in their 30s
  • one person in their 40s
  • one person in their 60s

All 14 cases are under investigation.

Sixteen new cases were reported in the Saint John region (Zone 2) involving:

  • eight people age 19 and under
  • two people in their 20s
  • three people in their 30s
  • two people in their 50s
  • one person in their 60s

All 16 cases are under investigation

Seven new cases were reported in the Fredericton region (Zone 3) involving:

  • one person in their 20s
  • one person in their 30s
  • two people in their 50s
  • three people in their 60s

All seven cases are under investigation

Four new cases were reported in the Edmundston region (Zone 4) involving:

  • one person in their 20s
  • one person in their 40s
  • one person in their 50s
  • one person in their 60s

All four cases are under investigation.

Eight new cases were reported in the Campbellton region (Zone 5) involving:

  • one person in their 20s
  • two people in their 40s
  • two people in their 50s
  • one person in their 60s
  • one person in their 70s
  • one person in their 80s

All eight cases are under investigation.

One new case was reported in the Bathurst region (Zone 6) involving a person in their 20s, and is under investigation.

One new case was reported in the Miramichi region (Zone 7) involving a person in their 20s, and is under investigation.


Public health also announced Sunday that they will be expanding the province’s rapid testing program beginning Monday.

Horizon Health has identified 20 new mobile sites for rapid testing across the province.

Each site will be open one day a week, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The tests are designed for people two and older. Most kits have five tests to be used over a 10-day period. People 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult to acquire a kit.

Vitalite Health Network already has 16 available sites for rapid screening kit pickup.


New Brunswick’s Campbellton region is now under a two-week circuit breaker aimed at curbing the high number of COVID-19 transmissions in the region.

The new numbers came into effect at 6 p.m. on Friday, and Campbellton’s mayor says there are encouraging signs already.

"The numbers are decreasing," says Campbellton mayor Ian Comeau, "we've seen one, three, five [cases] respectively over the last three days so that's positive. Versus the numbers that were in double digits."

Comeau says he believes the new measures are necessary because of the added pressure being placed on the health care system. 

You can find more information online about the circuit breaker rules and the areas it covers, including maps.


As of Saturday, 83.7 per cent of New Brunswickers age 12 and older are fully vaccinated and 92.1 per cent have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

In total, 1,223,009 vaccine doses have been administered in New Brunswick.

All provincial government employees, staff in long-term care facilities and staff and volunteers in schools and licensed early learning and child-care facilities must be fully vaccinated by Friday, Nov. 19.

All eligible New Brunswickers can book their second dose appointments now for a date that is at least 28 days after their first dose.


A full list of potential COVID-19 exposure notifications in New Brunswick can be found on the province's website.

Anyone with symptoms of the virus, as well as anyone who has been at the site of a possible public exposure, is urged to request a test online or call Tele-Care at 811 to get an appointment. Top Stories

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