We've be hearing for years about the gradual move toward a cash-less society.

Now, a regional chain of six seasonal gift shops has stopped accepting cash; they accept cards only.

At least one customer has mixed feelings.

“I think it's a good idea for security, but I don't think it's the way we should go one hundred percent, we should still accept cash,” said Roger Bucsis.

The manager, who is also a full-time university student, says taking in cash costs money.

“The extra time it takes staff to count the cash, making deposits, having accountants to do all of that …” said Avery Hillstrom.

Inside the store, which specializes in gift imports from around the world, there are several signs that say you can pay with debit and credit cards -- even Apple pay --- but no money. Only 15 per cent of their previous sales involved cash.

Most of us have encountered cash-only businesses once in a while, but, this is something that is in entirely a different direction; a place where no cash is accepted."

There's often only one staff member in the store at a time and they say it makes it safer when there's no cash to steal. They also find the costs created by accepting debits and credits are outweighed by the savings from not using cash. They believe it's the way of the future, especially for small businesses, who are trying to manage their expenses and cash flow.

It’s not for everyone though.

Peter Fenton owns a health supplements store, where most items only cost a few dollars.

“If I asked you, or tell you we don't do cash, and you don't want to use your debit card, or your visa card, customers may not be happy with that because they're going to be charged for that," Fenton said.

At the gift shop, they've had very few complaints and they say they may stay cashless when they re-open for next summer.

With files from CTV Atlantic’s Ron Shaw.