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Peter Day named new president of Nova Scotia Teachers Union


The Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) elected a new president Wednesday.

Peter Day defeated Shawn Hanifen, receiving 60.6 per cent of the second ballot vote.

Three other candidates were dropped following the first ballot vote which was held May 15.

A release from the union says Day has been a teacher for 22 years and is currently a technology mentor for the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education.

He also previously taught grades 3 to 12 in the Strait and Cape Breton-Victoria regions.

“Actively involved with the union at Local, regional, and provincial levels, he is currently a member of the Provincial Executive and serves as the Secretary Treasurer for the NSTU,” the release reads.

NSTU says 69 per cent of the union’s 10,000 members participated in Wednesday’s electronic vote.

Day will assume office Aug. 1 and replaces Ryan Lutes who began his term as president in 2022.

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