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Roadside delivery: Nova Scotia baby born in family car


A Nova Scotia family’s baby delivery story is sure to be shared for many years to come.

Tracy Cooper, who was nine months pregnant, started to have contractions on Thursday, so she called 911.

“They said they were not sure when an ambulance could get to us,” said Tracy.

Tracy and her husband, James Cooper, began to drive from Greenwood, N.S., to the hospital in Kentville, N.S.

“And I said, 'You have to pull over, this baby is not going to wait,'" said Tracy, as she described the drive.

After pulling to the side of the road, James frantically waved down Kim Fortune who was driving down the same road.

“I thought it was maybe somebody with a flat tire," said Fortune. “Tracy had said, 'I can feel the head,' and I said, 'Nope, this can’t be happening.'"

As a social worker who deals with crisis situations, Fortune knew how to keep her cool.

“I said I can keep her calm for about 10 minutes," said Fortune. "This is what I’m good at.”

It was a team effort as James was on the phone with an EHS staff member.

“I put her on speakerphone," said James, adding he then relayed the delivery directions to Fortune.

“I physically delivered the baby," said Fortune.

Baby Emma was born in the front seat of the Cooper family vehicle.

An image of Baby Emma who was born in the Cooper family vehicle.

Within 10 minutes, an ambulance was on the scene.

The Coopers said their baby is healthy and calls Fortune a "saviour."

“Even after I put something on the internet and it went viral, a lot of people said, 'You were meant for this and always been a brave person,'” said James.

Fortune says it's a reminder “that good things do really happen.”

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