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East Coast musician releases new song detailing a personal and traumatic story


East Coast Music Award-nominated artist, Brooklyn Blackmore, is telling her story to the world.

With the release of her new music video, Blackmore is trying to let victims of sexual assault know she’s “been there too.”

“I'm unfortunately a survivor of sexual assault,” said Blackmore in an interview with CTV’s Katie Kelly on Tuesday.

Been There Too” is a song Blackmore wrote about her own personal experience.

“No one really talks about it, and it's terrifying for me, honestly,” said Blackmore. “Like I'm pretty nervous to have my feelings on blast in the world like that.”

On Tuesday, Blackmore released the raw and emotional music video. She said there was a specific reason behind the release date.

“The whole month of April is actually sexual assault awareness month, but the first Tuesday of every April is the day,” she said.

Blackmore said the music video was not easy for her to film, and took around 20 takes to get through it once.

“It was a pretty rough day of filming, I had a really hard time getting through the song, as you can kind of tell in the video,” said Blackmore.

Blackmore says sharing her story was something she needed to do, no matter how painful it may be.

“Not only to empower survivors, but just to educate people, like it's such a common thing that happens in the day-to-day life and it's just never spoken about, so I just wanted to bring some awareness to how real this is,” she said. “So I just want people to know that they're not alone, and I just want to be that platform for them.” 

Resources for sexual assault survivors in Canada

If you or someone you know is struggling with sexual assault or trauma, the following resources are available to support people in crisis:

If you are in immediate danger or fear for your safety, you should call 911.

A full list of sexual assault centres in Canada that offer information, advocacy and counselling can be found at the website for the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres.

  • National Residential School Crisis Line: +1 866 925 4419
  • 24-hour crisis line: 416 597 8808
  • Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline: +1 833 900 1010
  • Trans Lifeline: +1 877 330 6366
  • Sexual misconduct support for current or former members of the Armed Forces: +1 844 750 1648
  • Read about your rights as a victim here Top Stories

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