HALIFAX -- With gathering limits in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 throughout Atlantic Canada, the 2020 holiday season was a quiet one for Maritimers, with New Year's Eve expected to be much the same. Despite the lack of family functions and get-togethers with friends and loved ones, many people say the sacrifice is worth it.

Nova Scotia resident Bruce Stuart is accustomed to large family gatherings over the holidays; however, his tradition has been halted in 2020 and featured a much smaller assembly.

"It was quiet," says Stuart. "But quiet is not a bad thing in a busy world."

Stuart says adhering to Public Health guidelines is the right thing to do and adds he's proud that people have been following the rules.

"I think people here have been really great; just taking it in stride and doing what Maritimers do: buckle down and take care of each other," says Stuart.

Many Maritimers are doing just that.

"I'm happy to do whatever the health officials recommend," says Nova Scotia resident Freya Clark. "I just want to keep everybody as safe and healthy as possible."

And the efforts seem to be paying off, with Nova Scotia reporting only one new COVID-19 case on Monday.

However, restrictions mean residents like Megan Jenkinson couldn't reunite with her parents, who live in South Africa, to introduce them to their newest grandchild. On Sunday, South Africa became the first African nation to record one million COVID-19 cases.

"They were going to come here because I was having a baby," says Jenkinson. "They were going to spend a couple months with us, and then they had to cancel those tickets – they don't know when they're going to be able to come over again."

The COVID-19 restrictions that limited gatherings at Christmastime will also stay in place for New Year's Eve; for some people, that's okay.

"[I'll be] Zoom calling some family members that are far away," says Nova Scotia resident Megan Hughes.

Meanwhile, with a vaccine program underway, many Maritimers are hopeful 2021's holiday celebrations will be more personable and filled with family and friends.