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Nova Scotia waives tuition fee for paramedics to increase ranks


Nova Scotia announced it will offer free tuition for anyone looking to become a paramedic and emergency medical responder.

The province is offering to cover all tuition costs for more than 460 people who must in turn work in Nova Scotia for at least four years, according to the terms and conditions.

“This is an investment in people who want to save lives. It’s an opportunity for them to learn and work in their communities and for our province to increase the number of skilled paramedics and emergency medical responders,” said Health and Wellness Minister Michelle Thompson in a Friday news release. “As our population grows, so too will our demand for emergency health services. We must be proactive now and use every tool at our disposal to increase the number of people on the ground who can respond to an emergency.”

According to provincial data, there are currently 692 primary care paramedics working in Nova Scotia and 14 emergency medical responders.

The recruitment initiative is looking to add 180 emergency medical responders and 150 new primary care paramedics to its roster. There are already 135 primary care paramedics in training who will cover their remaining tuition if they stay on board for four years of service.

The total cost budgeted is close to $7 million for the tuition program and it’s being hailed by the paramedics union “as a game changer” for the industry.

“Paramedicine has become a profession with many opportunities for advancement and challenges in today’s world. This commitment by government is a game changer for the advancement of the profession in Nova Scotia to meet a growing demand for these skilled professionals,” said Kevin MacMullin, business manager with the Nova Scotia Paramedics Union.

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