A couple has been reunited with a lost memory card containing more than 500 vacation photos after it was found in a church parking lot in Chelsea, N.S. last month.

“Got out of the car and I saw it laying just on the gravel so I picked it up and said ‘well, this must belong to somebody,’” says Rosemarie Mitchell, who found the card along with her husband.

They took the memory card to a store and printed off some photos, hoping they would hold clues about the owners.

“There were beautiful pictures all over Europe there, and there was one picture had a bus in the background there, but it was too far back to see any names or anything,” says Cecil Mitchell.

The photos contain landmarks from England, Scotland, Wales, Paris and Versailles.

The couple posted some of the photos on Kijiji and Facebook, and even posted a notice in their church, but had no luck finding the owners.

Then they turned to CTV Atlantic, hoping someone would see the story and recognize the people in the photos.

Shortly after the story aired Wednesday evening, Yarmouth resident Cheryl Jefferson contacted CTV Atlantic.

“Well, my husband and I were watching the CTV News at suppertime and we were just shocked because, all of a sudden, we were looking at pictures of us and that’s the first I knew that I had lost the card,” says Cheryl.

“The news came on, that quick blurb what was going to be on next, and so as I was eating a plate full of peas, all of a sudden I saw myself on TV and I pointed and I couldn’t believe it,” says Donald Jefferson.

Cheryl says the photos were taken on a series of trips between 2009 and 2011 and she hadn’t even realized the card was missing.

She says she must have dropped the card while she and her husband were exploring the graveyard in Chelsea.

“I wanted to find my gravestone of my great-great-grandfather because I’m interested in genealogy,” says Cheryl.

The Jeffersons met with the Mitchells at the church in Chelsea on Thursday to make the exchange.

Cheryl says she is glad to have met the Mitchells, and to have her memory card back.

“We’re thrilled because I don’t erase my cards, and I had probably the memories of two or three trips on that,” says Cheryl. “I probably wouldn’t have remembered, when I realized I had, where I lost it.”

“It was our pleasure, for sure,” says Rosemarie.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Ron Shaw