Ernie Ross "Junior" Duggan has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in connection with the death of 58-year-old Susan Butlin on September 17, 2017.

The 51-year-old Bayhead, N.S. man was charged with first-degree murder and scheduled for trial from September 16 to October 18, but pleaded to the lesser charge in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Truro on Friday.

An agreed statement of facts from the Crown and defence was submitted to Justice Jeffrey Hunt, and a joint sentencing recommendation is expected.

Duggan faces life imprisonment with no chance of parole for 10 and 25 years, which will be determined during the sentencing hearing on September 16.

Crown lawyer, Peter Craig, told the court a number of victim impact statements will be submitted for the hearing and an extra day might be needed.

Duggan is also facing four weapons-related offences in relation to a stand-off with police, and he pleaded guilty to two counts of reckless discharge of a firearm and possession of weapon for dangerous purpose.

The Crown says the other two charges will be dealt with at the time of sentencing.

Another joint recommendation was made for a pre-sentence report, and the two sides will convene with Justice Hunt via a teleconference on September 4 to go over details ahead of the hearing.

Duggan's credit for time served against his parole sentence will start from his first day of custody on September 18, 2017