The following schools are closed on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015:

  • Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
  • Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board
  • Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
  • Halifax Regional School Board
  • South Shore Regional School Board
  • Strait Regional School Board
  • Tri-County Regional School Board
  • Anglophone South School District - Schools are closed in Hampton Centre, Sussex and Hampton.
  • All schools closed in Anglophone East School District
  • All schools are closed across P.E.I.
  • All NSCC campuses are closed EXCEPT Pictou and Truro
  • Provincial government offices in Pictou, Colchester, Cumberland, Hants, Annapolis, Kings, Queens, Digby, Shelburne, Lunenburg and Yarmouth counties will delay opening until noon.