New bike lanes are now a fixture along a main artery in Halifax.

Windsor Street is the latest to become bike friendly as the city continues to encourage cycling in the hopes of reducing vehicular traffic.

“It gives certainty to all modes of traffic, so bikes aren’t weaving in and out of traffic anymore,” says Ben Wedge of the Halifax Cycling Coalition.

However, some cyclists and motorists say more needs to be done to make Haligonians aware of the changes.

Last week, a number of cyclists reported finding tacks in some bike lanes along Windsor Street and some believe they were put there intentionally to protest the changes.

Some cyclists are also complaining that cars are parking in bike lanes.

“Unfortunately, there’s no ‘no stopping’ signs along this street, so unless people take the time to read some friendly legislation, then they’re not going to find it out,” says cyclist David Foster.

Aside from being unsafe, it is also illegal to park in bike lanes. Doing so could result in a $25 fine, according to the Motor Vehicle Act.

“The only time you can actually enter a bike lane is to avoid an obstacle and a left-turning car is considered an obstacle, as long as there is no cyclist there,” says Wedge.

Cars are also allowed to stop in bike lanes when dropping off passengers and unloading goods.

“But you can’t wait,” says Wedge. “You have to pull in, do your business and get out.”

David MacIsaac works for the Halifax Regional Municipality’s transportation planning department. His job is to meet the needs of both cyclists and drivers.

“One of the good things about the Windsor Street bike lane route is that there are a lot of cross streets and those aren’t overly used right now for parking,” says MacIsaac.

He admits there are some spots along Windsor Street that still need work, including one section of bike lane that ends abruptly.

City officials say the installation of bike lanes is an ongoing project in Halifax and the latest lane on Windsor Street is just phase one of three.

They aim to evenutally have bike lanes in all major thoroughfares in the city.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Alyse Hand