Construction has begun at a popular tourist attraction in Saint John.

Work is underway on a new picnic covering at Falls View Park, which overlooks the Reversing Falls.

“It’s going to be a picnic area, sheltered picnic area, with access down to the beach, small little beach down there,” says Bill Farren, Saint John city councillor.

With the Reversing Falls Tourism Centre scheduled to undergo renovations, and improvements to the park underway, Farren says he hopes the area will be a place where businesses will want to set up shop.

“There’s always hope, there’s always optimism,” says Farren. “I’m always the type of guy that believes in those types of things, but you have to work towards them. You can’t just sit back and hope, but you have to encourage them and this is part of encouraging them.”

Terry Stevens runs the Reversing Falls Zip Line, the one business currently on site. While he says business is good, he’d like to see the area further developed.

“I think, in order to truly appreciate this asset we have here, the Reversing Falls, it needs to get built up, both private and public money,” says Stevens.

The Reversing Falls is a popular destination for cruise ship passengers and visitors. Stevens says tourists are often confused by the lack of commercial business in the area.

“The majority of people don’t understand what’s going on over here with the tides and what not,” says Stevens. “So, when they do get here on and off time of the day, then, unfortunately, they usually go away disappointed.”

The picnic covering is expected to be up by next week, with tables and new stairs expected to be in place in time for the 2016 tourism season.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Ashley Blackford