Two Miramichi constables and a Good Samaritan are being credited for saving the life of a 19-year-old woman in New Brunswick.

The young woman climbed onto the railing of the iconic Centennial Bridge in Miramichi on Tuesday to try and end her life, but the trio soon came to her aid.

"One of our members climbed up onto the railing and secured her as best he could until the other member arrived,” says Deputy Chief Brian Cummings. “Once that member arrived, he happened to be a hostage negotiator, and used his skills to gain some rapport and they were successful at getting her back."

The two officers who responded were Const. Andrew Vickers and Const. Bradley Gallant.

Const. Vickers has a name already synonymous with lifesaving and heroism. He is the son of Kevin Vickers, who has been considered a Canadian hero since the Parliament Hill shooting two years ago.

Vickers, who now serves as Canada's ambassador to Ireland, was quick to show his pride online.

"The young fella, my son Andrew, police officer, saved a young girl's life today. Doing God's work," he tweeted.

While Const. Vickers and Gallant are humble about the rescue, the deputy chief is calling them heroes.

"When you're in that situation it takes some pretty extraordinary people to step up and do the things that need to be done,” says Cummings. “This occurred in this instance.”

People in Miramichi say that Const. Vickers is credited for other rescues, including saving a woman from drowning in the Miramichi River.

"When I heard that this morning I said another job well done," says Tony "Bucket" Walsh, the chair of Miramichi Protective Services. "They deserve every recognition that the city can give them.”

While neither of the constables are looking for recognition, Cummings says they have earned it.

With files from CTV Atlantic’s Laura Brown