ROSAIREVILLE, N.B. – A New Brunswick man has been reunited with his treasured wedding ring 62 years after it disappeared.

Lorenzo Doiron lost the ring while working in a barn at his former home in Rosaireville, N.B.

“Back in those days we were feeding the animals, I went up the hay loft and I was throwing hay down, and all of a sudden I seen my ring fly through the hay,” he recalls.

Doiron searched high and low for the ring, but he failed to locate it, and then the barn burned down.

Convinced it was gone for good, he and his wife were devastated at the loss.

“We were very upset. He said there was always something missing,” says Theresa Doiron.

Fast-forward 62 years, and Robert Babin now owns the property. He was working in the garden one day when he stumbled upon a wedding band.

“I just dig it out, dig out the weeds, and it just popped up and fell right in front of me, the ring,” says Babin.

He polished the mysterious ring and started asking around the local community club to see if anyone had any ideas as to who might own it.

Coincidentally, Lorenzo and Theresa Doiron both happened to be at the club -- and Theresa Doiron was sporting the matching wedding band.

“I said, ‘I found a ring,’ and she said, ‘That’s my husband’s ring!’” says Babin.

“The hair came up on the back of my head. I couldn’t believe it,” says Lorenzo Doiron. “A part of me was gone and I got it back.

He says he still in shock when he looks down at his finger and sees his old wedding ring -- absent from his finger for more than six decades.

As for Babin, he says he never expected a piece of history to pop up in his garden, but he’s glad it did.

“God, he works in mysterious ways, maybe,” he says.

The Doirons say they are forever grateful to have their special symbol of love back on both fingers.

“He performed a miracle I think,” says Theresa.

“I can’t thank him enough, Robert, for giving it back to me,” say Lorenzo.