As we prepared to touch down in Belgium, we saw the sun rapidly rising out of the clouds. It was breathtaking and the perfect moment to reflect on what we’re about to do. 

I am writing from the airport in Brussels as we await the flight that will take us to West Africa.

As many of you know, CTV cameraman George Reeves and I are headed for Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to produce a documentary about the aftermath of Ebola.

Two previous trips to Africa have conditioned me to prepare for a dramatic slowdown in pace, but this adventure has begun with what seemed like an episode of “The Amazing Race.”

We arrived at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport in plenty of time; travelling with camera equipment is no simple task. We managed, but the real fun began when we arrived in Toronto only to learn that our camera had been lost before we even left the country! This is, of course our most precious cargo. And so began a breathless race through Pearson Airport - up and down, back and forth, terminal to terminal - battling a ticking clock. We made it to the gate just in time but still uncertain of the whereabouts of our camera. Such is international travel! Cross your fingers!

Some of you have tweeted that you feel bad for us for having to make this trip. Please know that we do not “have to.” George and I consider this an honour and a privilege. I have never had more confidence in a colleague and we will look out for each other. We’re so excited to meet the Liberian people and bring their stories back home to you!

The Belgian sun was beautiful, but I can’t wait to feel the warmth of the African sun again. See you soon Monrovia!   


Late breaking….Camera has arrived in Monrovia! Clothes on the other hand? To be continued…