HALIFAX -- After a year largely stuck at home, many Maritime families are trying something new for March break – a staycation.

With children in Nova Scotia home from school for March break, empty hotel rooms are being scooped up by families who want to enjoy a change of scenery.

It’s not the southern vacation they’d traditionally book for March break, but a spacious hotel in Dartmouth is a nice change of scenery for the Burns-Khanna family, visiting from Sydney.

“We’ve pretty much been home for a year now, so this is the first time we’ve gotten anywhere, so it is a vacation,” says Katie Burns.

It seems Nova Scotia’s March break from schools has brought an unexpected but welcome surge in business for Halifax hotels.

“It’s something for people to do,” says Michelle Whittle, assistant general manager at the Holiday Inn Dartmouth. “A lot of people have been stuck in the house for the past year, so to get the kids out, to enjoy the pool, to have breakfast, they’re very happy.”

After a rough year, with business down at least 80 per cent since the pandemic started, those in the hospitality industry say the rush couldn’t come at a better time.

“The only uptick was a little bit when the Atlantic bubble was open, but of course that being closed right now, we’re back to the way we were before,” says Ron Miller, general manager at the Holiday Inn Dartmouth.

While hotels weren’t available to give exact numbers to reflect the March break bump, other businesses in the Halifax area are also cashing in on the spinoffs.

“A lot of the restaurants and bars have performances and music in the evening, and there’s things going on in the city, so it’s still a vibrant opportunity,” says Ross Jefferson, president of Discover Halifax.

An opportunity the Burns-Khanna family didn’t want to miss, even if they’re only a few hours from home.

“For him, it’s like going to Disney World,” says Amit Khanna about his young son. “So it’s awesome, and Halifax has been fantastic, lots of new things to see and much different than Sydney, so it’s nice.”

Finding a home away from home, during a challenging time, when any break from routine is welcome.