The popular Milestones segment on CTV Atlantic's Live at 5, celebrates marriage milestones of 50 years and 60 years or more, and birthdays of one hundred years or more. If you know someone who's celebrating one of these momentous occasions, please let us know so we can announce the details on Live at 5.

You can submit your Milestone to us by regular post or by e-mail. Regardless of how you send your submission, please send your announcement at least two weeks in advance, and include the following information:

Name(s) of Milestone recipient(s)

Date of birthday or anniversary

Home-town location

Picture of the recipient(s).

If e-mailing, the picture should be included as an attachment and be in either .JPG or .GIF file format. If sending through the mail, please note that the picture will not be returned. Please write the name of the Milestone recipient on the back of the photograph, and please ensure the picture is clear.

The mailing address is:


P.O. Box 1653

Halifax, Nova Scotia

B3J 2Z4

The e-mail address is: