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N.S. musician known for his banjo playing releasing new album without his favourite instrument


Old Man Luedecke has a new album coming out this week that may sound a bit different to people who are used to his style.

The Juno Award winning singer and songwriter from Nova Scotia is known for his skills playing the banjo.

However, his new album will be banjo-free.

It was an idea that he came up with with fellow Juno Award winning musician Bahamas.

"So, he'd come over and sometimes we'd sit in here and just sneak off from the families for a little bit and play a couple of tunes and eventually he was like, 'You know, we should make a record.' And I was like, 'Sure, that would be awesome,'" explained Old Man Luedecke, in an interview with CTV Atlantic's Katie Kelly.

"And then he was like, 'Well, maybe we should do a record without banjo.' And I was like, 'That might be awesome.'

That's when the pair got to work.

The new album called "She Told Me Where to Go" is scheduled to be released Friday.

"Well, it sounds a little bit like my sort of heavily worded songs about sort of midlife, spiritual concerns mixed with the sort of telltale Bahamas, wonderful guitar lines."

"I think there's zero banjo. I tried to sneak it in a few times. I always had it in the trunk of the car on the sessions... I was like, 'Oh, is this a place we could put a little banjo?' And he was like, 'Not yet,'" explained Old Man Luedecke.

Although the banjo isn't in his newest album, he says he hasn't put his favourite instrument away for good, adding he still plays it at all of his shows.

However, he's excited to show fans what he can do without it.

"I think the hope is that you hear the songs and you're like, 'Wow, that guy can write a song.' It's not, 'Wow, that guy can write a banjo song,'" he said.

"I think it's important for my own personal growth to have a whole bunch of different sounds and a different palette to work with."

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