A man has been ticketed after a woman was struck in a crosswalk in Halifax Thursday afternoon.

Police responded to the collision at the corner of Robie Street and Coburg Road before 4 p.m.

Investigators say a 23-year-old woman was crossing Robie in a marked crosswalk when an SUV travelling south on Robie failed to stop at the red light and hit the woman.

She was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The 70-year-old male driver was issued two tickets, for failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk and failing to stop at a red light.

Failing to yield to a pedestrian carries a fine of $693.95 and four points on a driver’s licence upon conviction. Failing to stop at a red light carries a fine of $176.45 and two points on a driver’s licence upon conviction.