Protesters gathered outside the Pictou courthouse Monday morning as the case of a man accused of animal abuse was due in court.

David William Oakley, 55, was arrested in February after police found a badly-injured dog in his home in Sylvester, N.S. Along with the injured dog, the SPCA also removed one adult dog, and six puppies, who were all deceased, from the home.

The injured dog suffered serious injuries including massive head trauma and eye swelling. Meeka has since been adopted by the veterinarian who cared for her after the incident.

Protesters say they hope the case sheds light on the province's animal abuse legislation.

“Today isn’t just about Meeka. It’s about every dog, every cow, every horse, every hamster, everything,” said Brenda Gerrior, who organized the protest. “Every living being, we need to be their voice. They don’t deserve this.”

Oakley is facing charges of causing damage or injury to animals or birds and causing animals or birds unnecessary suffering.

Oakley did not appear in court Monday. His lawyer phoned in on his behalf and asked that the case be adjourned until next week, when it is expected he will enter a plea.

The allegations against Oakley have not been tested in court.

CTV did reach out to lawyers representing Oakley, but they had no comment.